

¿What do I do on a Tic Class?

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I am going to tell you how the subject of Tic works in my School. I have 3 hours a week of Tic. This year I am going to learn how to make excels, how to edit  pictures and how to edit videos. This term I am learning the use of excel, and actually is quite entreating.

The first thing I do as soon as I arrive to my class is finishing what I left the day before. When everyone is finished, the teacher explain us how do we have to make the practice. A soon as our teacher explains we have a little time to correct it and we start the next practice.

Sometimes we play games like «kahoot» and sometimes he watch movies or we do exams.



Virtual reality glasses

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Some people think that virtual reality is very similar to viewing 3D images, but they are wrong. Virtual reality provides you with a vision similar to real life, and tricks your brain into thinking the situation is actually happening.

Virtual reality has already existed for decades, as well as 3D images. Nowadays many  people have this product at home but it is used in different ways compared to how things were before. We can use them for playing computer games such as «House of terror», a game based on monsters in which you have to try to kill them. Most of these glasses connect to your phone, like «samsumg gear vr» for example.

Artificial intelligence(AI) Siri and Alexa


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Siri was one of the first assistants created. Siri wasn’t actually created by apple it was created by a company called «DARPA»

Siri is an example of a computer system able to recognize a human voice in order to help the user. There are a lot of types of virtual assistant depending on the customer situation. These types of assistants have a special system that allows them to answer really quickly and not only that, over a long period of time their intelligence develops further.

Some electronic personal assistants are also able to recognize text, images, music etc… The capacity of these assistants has  increased a lot during the past years.

And who knows? Maybe really soon they will be able to detect our feelings!


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PayPal is an online payment method that allows you to pay without credit cards. PayPal is not a bank, PayPal allows you to save your money in an electronic wallet on your phone.

It was created in 1998 by Ken Howey and Max Levchin and it was initially designed to make money transfers, but nowadays it is also used for payments.

In 2002, eBay bought PayPal to use it as the main payment system, with the objective of improving the security of payments that are made in their market. PayPal wasn’t only used by eBay, a huge number of companies offer PayPal  as a payment method. This makes PayPal an easy payment system instead as people don’t have the trouble of having to enter their credit card details with each purchase.

For having a PayPal account, the only thing you will need to do is enter with an email an a credit cart. Really easy steps!

Jonathan Ive



Jonathan Ive is an English designer who joined apple in 1992. He is the Vice-President of Apple Design.

John Ive was born in Chingford, London. He studied in Chingford Foundation School, Walton High School in Staffordshire and he studied Industrial Design at the university.

He started working for apple  in 1997, he designed a lot of things like: the Apple Watch, the first macbook, apple mouse, iPod..  He was a really important person for apple because he made a lot of money for them when apple was in an economic crisis.

Sadly he left apple, a couple months ago, for creating his own business»LOVEFORM».


Jeff Bezos

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Jeff Bezos, was born on the 12th of January of 1964 in Mexico. He is the founder and the director of Amazon. In 2015 he was the fifth richest man in the world, and still remains as one of the richest men.

When he was 4 years old his father left him. His Mother married a Cuban immigrant named «Miguel» Bezos. From the age of 3, his mother insisted that he study at a Montessori school, as did the founders of Google, the founder of Wikipedia and so on.

Bezos decided to study electronic engineering and communication at Princeton and he decided to move to New York to work on Wall Street.

His project started by selling books online, and this became very popular with people. He started to sell more things over the years and he eventually became the richest man in the world by developing the online site Amazon.

Internet of things(IOT)


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Nowadays most of our daily objects we have at home have some sort of technology, and that has been growing up over the years.

Internet of things (IOT) is all thouse objects that conect to technology, like for example, a fitbit. These objects can transmit information via the internet.



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When you think about  robots, the first thing that comes to your mind is the classical machine that looks like a metallic person and that can speak. Nowadays a robot means a lot of things, like for example: drones, self-driving cars, Alexa …

Robots are in our daily life for many years since we had an automatic toaster. However scientists say that robots will be even more present in the future as they will do jobs that humans are doing right now.

Bill Gates

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Bill Gates is a 54 man, from Washington. He is one of the ritchest men in the world. He is a business man who with Paul Allen founded and built the world’s largest software company named Microsoft. But how did it happen?

Paul and Bill became really good friends at high school and shared a common hobbie, computers. Over the years they experimented making programs and at the age of 15 they developed “Traf-o-data” and earned 20.000$. So they wanted to start a company.

Bill’s parents wouldn’t allow them to start their company because they wanted him to go to collage and study law. After a few years Paul and Bill got together again and started programing. FInally in 1975 they created “microsoft”.

Social Media

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Social media is a platform which enables users to create an account with their personal information and communicate with others. It is part of the web 2.0.

Nowadays users can use social media on their computers and on their phones with apps. Some of the most popular websites are: Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube…

In 2019, Tik Tok was the most used app on the App Store with 33 million downloads. Followed by Youtube that had 26 million, Instagram with 23 million , Facebook with 20 million and Snapchat with 13 million.




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Nowadays, it has became the new normal to accept «cookies» online every time we access a website. But do we really know what a «cookie» is? Or what we are agreeing to once we mindlessly click the accept button?

Cookies are known as the messages that appear while you are surfing on a web page, but the real thing is that when you accept cookies, they stay in your computer watching everything you do, look for and click on. This way, website developers can analyze your online behavior and use it in their favor.

In conclusion, we shouldn’t accept cookies because our personal information will be used without you being aware of it.


«A false bomb alarm forces to evict Amazon headquarters»

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On Febuary 13, 2020. Amazon employees had to evict Amazon departament because there was a bomb alert that turned out to be false.

The eviction took place at 10:30 in the morning when someone called Amazon advising  that a bomb was going to explote. The building emptied quickly and  they only spent 13 hours without working.


How coronavirus affect technology

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Foxcoon, is a place where iphones are made, but is located in China. Because the coronavirus this campus has had to close, wick means they have had to stop manufacturing : phones, computers…

Iphone and AirPod production is expected to be delay because the production is slowing down. It is also possible that telephones such as they new iPhone se 2 , will also be delay.

However Foxcoon is setting the production on other places, like : Mexico, Vietnam …


How you tubers win money?Resultado de imagen de youtubers

I’ve always wondered how a youtuber earns money. Where do they  get it from? How much they earn? What does it depend on if you earn more or less money? As I have been very interested, I have decided to look for information on how to make money via YouTube

To earn money you must monetize your videos, which means that the money you earn will depend on visits, likes, subscribers. You can also promote a product, although the person who pays you is not YouTube is the advertiser brand. And the truth is that they pay very, very well.

In conclusion being youtuber means that you will earn a lot of money, but it will depend on the subscribers you have. Although it will be very difficult to get a good following.


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Duolingo is an app that helps you to learn or improve a language. This app is free, you can find it in android and iOS.

It is very easy to use it, first you have to introduce your name, email and age, and that would be all.

You can learn grammar, listening, writing, reading, you can find everything that you will need.  Something that I really like about this app is that you can choose the learning mode, you can also learn in very fun ways such as flashcards related to  some vocabulary.


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Instagram is one of the most widely used apps. You can use this app to post pictures online, you can also send mensages to your friends or you can watch stupid videos in order to entertain yourself. It is actually really easy to use, you don’t have to have a lot of knowledge in order to use it, you post pictures and people give like to them or they write you some comments.

Just like other social media, Instagram has advantages and disadvantages. One disadvantage  could be that people post inappropiate comments and they might hurt someone’s feelings, on the other hand , you can learn more about your friends tastes because the pictures they post.


What have I learn this evaluation?

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I think this quarter has been one of my favorites, because we have learned a lot of interesting things. We have learned how to use gimp, we have also made some presentations about some kwon applications and others not so much.

Gym is an application very similar to Photoshop, the only difference is that gimp is free. We have learned a lot of things with this app, such as cloning, how to remove imperfections and much more.

This quarter we made presentations on a lot of applications. The truth is that there were some applications that I didn’t even have and that I now use because they seem super useful.